Monday, May 2, 2016

Car Impounding Loan - Cash in 1-3 Hours Best Loan if you Need Quick Funds for Election Purposes

car impounding loan
Quck Car Loan via Impounding
It's election time and I strongly believe based from my experience as a qualified and duly accredited loan consultant / agent for many banks and private lending companies that there may be a time that some candidates will approach us for car loan. With this regards, I would like to personally offer our FREE assistance service to loan borrowers looking for quick cash loan to fun their election campaign materials with the use of car loan via impounding. A private way to acquire loan is thru one of our private financiers where the absolute secrecy of your private life is not part of the cards you have to lay when applying for a loan.

Furthermore, based from our own experience for assisting clients for so many years in the collateral lending industry in the Philippines that there are many business owners and political figures who prefer to apply with us thru our private financiers who have been in the lending industry for more than 20 years.

Car Impounding Basic Requirements
Here, we can assure you that your absolute privacy will be taken in to consideration if you apply for car loan using your vehicle. This loan is what we call as car impounding loan. Although not everybody will opt in or apply for this one, we have specific non sensitive business people who like and prefer for this type of loan where all they will need are the following requirements in order to file and qualify to apply for this quick cash loan. They are as listed below:
  1. Original ORCR of the car
  2. car keys
  3. completely filled up application form
No income requirements, no requirement to under personal and house or residential C.I. and no required checking account. All you need is you, your car, your car keys and the original official car registration receipt and official receipt of renewal of registration.

We have been offering this type of loan and we have had countless clients approved of this type of collateral loan. Most of them as we may have to remind you were those who have multiple to as less as 2 cars or more to use in their day to day basis of work and business. Foreigners are also highly encouraged to apply for this type of loan if they don't have the regular loan application requirements for a regular car loan without taking car with the use only of the ORCR.

If you want to apply for this type of quick cash loan for your additional election funds, please visit this page -

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